Atos Wellness Singapore

CoreCell Activa

CoreCell Activa is a powerful high-energy multi function bioavailable liquid complex with anti-aging, antioxidant, and anti-glycation properties to combat today’s stress, infertility and health conditions. 
CoreCell Activa 是一种强效高能量多功能生物液体复合物,具有抗衰老、抗氧化和抗糖化特性,可对抗当今的压力、不孕症和健康状况。

Energized by AFT and embedded with AFT. 由 AFT 提供能量并嵌入 AFT。
Quantum resonance to enhance potency, efficacy and energetic vibration. 量子共振增强效力、功效和能量振动。

• Promotes Healthy Glucose Levels 促进健康的血糖水平
• Powerful Antioxidant 强效抗氧化剂
• Boosts Testosterone 促进睾酮
• Boosts Collagen Production 促进胶原蛋白的生成
• Supports Gut & Digestive Health 支持肠道和消化系统健康
• Stimulates Cellular Energy & Hydration 刺激细胞能量和补水

Nutritional Facts 营养成分
1 sERVING ( 0.75ml )

Description 产品信息Amount per serving 每份含量 %DV
Fulvic Trace Mineral Complex 500mg
Fulvic Acid (As Fulvic Trace Mineral Complex)19mg

Serving Size 份量 : 15 drops 滴 – 0.75ml 毫升
Serving Per Container 每盒份量 : 66 drops 滴 – 50ml 毫升 / 1.69 Fl oz 盎司

Direction 服用方法 :
Squeeze 15 drops (1/2 dropper) Corecell Activa into 200ml glass of water, stir and drink – before breakfast or any meal.
将 15 滴(1/2 滴管)Corecell Activa 滴入 200 毫升水中,搅拌后饮用 – 早餐或任何一餐前

Amount per serving 每份含量 %DV 

Fulvic Trace Mineral Complex 黄腐酸微量矿物质复合物 – 500mg 毫克
Fulvic Acid 黄腐酸 - 19mg 毫克 (As Fulvic Trace Mineral Complex 作为黄腐酸微量矿物质复合物) 

• Percentage Daily Value Is based on 2,000 calorie diet 每日摄入量百分比基于 2,000 卡路里饮食
• Daily value not established 每日价值尚未确定

Other ingredients 其他成分 : Purified Water 纯净水

Made in USA