FibreX Activa
FibreX Activa is a high-fibre nutritional mix designed to provide a concentrated source of dietary fiber along with essential nutrients. It typically contains a blend of ingredients rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre.
In a new review study, scientists from Monash University and the University of New South Wales addressed this deficiency by examining and advocating for the incorporation of dietary fibre as a key lifestyle modification to manage high blood pressure. (Source)
High-Fibre Nutritional Mix 高纤维营养混合物
• Support Bowel Regulatory and Intestinal Health 支持肠道调节和肠道健康
• Energized @ Zero Point Frequency 零点频率能量激发
FibreX Activa, made with soluble and insoluble fibre is easily digestible, may support bowel regularity and promote gut health. 由可溶性和不溶性纤维制成,易于消化,可支持排便规律并促进肠道健康。
FibreX Activa ingredients are further energized at Zero Point Frequency to enhance the potency and efficacy. 成分在零点频率下进一步激发能量,以增强效力和功效。
Japanese Formulation - Manufactured in Malaysia 日本配方 - 马来西亚生产
Nutritional Facts 营养成分
1 sachet (10g)
Description 产品信息 | Per serving 每份 | Per 100g 每100克 | |
ENERGY 能量 (Calories 卡路里) | 28 kcal 千卡 | 279 kcal 千卡 | |
CARBOHYDRATE 碳水化合物 | 4.6g | 46g | |
Protein 蛋白质 | 0.3g | 2.8g | |
FAT 脂肪 | 0g | 0g | |
TOTAL DIETARY FIBRE 总膳食纤维 | 4.2g | 42.0g |